After installing V4.18 i can not start Comfyui

i have tried many time to install the ComfyUI 4.18 many times,the last step is “Unable to start ComfyUI v0.4.18”.
there is only one folder called “.venv” in ComfyUI folder. error: argument -user-directory: c:\Users****\Documents\ComfyUI\user is not a valid directory.
error: Python process exited with code 2 and signal null.


try download form git

Hi there, can you please upload the following files from your logs directory?

  • main.log
  • comfyui.log

Log file locations can be found in the desktop user guide.

But new user can not upload file

No worries! Can you please email them through to

Please paste this anywhere in the email so we can match it easily:


Your installation is missing several files, from the logs. Can you please follow the full uninstall procedure in the desktop user guide?

Be sure to also remove the folder you are selecting during the installation process (or rename it). Once you have done this, you can reinstall the app - be sure to install to an empty directory.

I have the same problem, when I start it it says “Unable to start ComfyUI Desktop v0.4.18”

@SlickTrim Please create a new post for your specific issue.

After you have created it, please upload your logs, mentioning the link to your post.

i really appreciate your help. Your suggestion helped me solve the problem.

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