Comfy won't start - No Available Ports

My Comfy Desktop was working fine, went away for a couple of days and when I got back I get this error when trying to start ComfyUI.

I’m running Windows 11 Pro and using the built in Defender and Firewall. I’ve gone into Advanced Firewall settings and set up custom inbound and outbound rules covering ports 8100 - 9100 and allowing them.

I’ve run netstat -an | find “LISTEN” but can’t see any ports in that range listed and tried netstat -an | find “:8100” and the same for 9100 but get no results, so it doesn’t seem like that port range is in use.

I’ve restarted the PC and I’ve tried running the installer again but that same error pops up. Comfy doesn’t even get as far as showing the terminal so I can’t check on there. Any ideas?

Just to add as an update, I tried a clean boot disabling startup items and all 3rd party services to make sure only core OS background processes are running, still get the error.

A further update. I used Revo uninstaller to cleanly uninstall the Desktop version, including deleting registry entries and left over files, and did a fresh install on a different drive. Installation and initial launch was fine, but got the same error after opening it a second time.

I’m really puzzled as that would indicate it’s something OS related, but my old install of Comfy which uses port 8188 which is in the range the error lists opens fine with no issues, and that indicates the issue is with Desktop. Will try creating a new user account and see if the same issue occurs.

Update: Found the cause. I have the Models. Output and User folders as symbolic links. When the reinstall worked on first attempt and then failed on the second, it occurred to me that I’d added the symlinks between that, so tried another reinstall and tried opening and closing it several times with no error. Backed up those 3 folders and then replaced each one at a time with the symlink version and got the error when the Users symlink was added, worked fine for the other 2.

I only did it for Users to sync my workflows between installs, the other 2 were for saving drive space, no idea why it’s causing it but I’ll take it as a win.

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