Custom nodes "500 Internal Server Error Server got itself in trouble"

Installing most nodes outputs the “500 Internal Server Error Server got itself in trouble” error, retrying works. Also crystools doesn’t show up.

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Same error for lots of nodes.

I thought it was my VPN software or firewall control app but terminating both still causes the error.

EDIT : Latest build solved most of my issues, I was able to import a complex workflow from scratch and everything installed properly

It must be related to the new upstream they use to cache nodes instead of git so they can have better versioning, etc.

controlnet node doesnt give the error 500 now, says it installs but is still showing red and still in the list of missing nodes

This is the result of selecting all the missing nodes and pressing install. It installs 3 then it stops (??). Dependencies are not installed correctly at all (they got rid of “Try Fix” option to force reinstalling deps so all you can do is manually activate the venv and install the missing dependencies.

Could do that but it just doesnt work at all overall, custom nodes seem completely broken and we got 0 staff activity here, so I’ll just give up for now.

Can you test again whether the new version has resolved this issue?

After updating to the new version, none of the custom nodes I had appeared to be installed. So I tried to install a few after the restart I got this same error

Emailed the logs to