I used the set my own input_directory, output_directory, and extrac directories but v1 desktop seems that it ignores any arguments that I put such as -input-directory, -output-directory. Any workaround? THanks!
Where are you setting the arguments? In the settings menu? We don’t have a way to set those yet.
I tried like this.
C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Programs@comfyorgcomfyui-electron\ComfyUI.exe --extra-model-paths-config X:\pstools\comfyui\shared\extra_model_paths.yaml --input-directory %COMFYUI_INPUT_DIR% --output-directory %COMFYUI_OUTPUT_DIR%
Ah I see, yeah unfortunately you can’t add arguments like that. We can add that to the settings tab for run args config though.
It will be here: Open sourcing v1 Desktop
Tracking an issue here: Add more server side arguments · Issue #424 · Comfy-Org/desktop · GitHub