No Errors Detected on Set Up Menu, Yet It Refues to Start

New to ComfyUI and software like it so I apologize if there’s an easy fix I’ve failed to notice. I’m attempting to upload the logs but unfortunately my status as a new member limits my ability to post attachments or logs containing links.
The only Errors I see in the logs themselves are “Python Process Exited with Code 1 and Signal Null” and “Cannot Connect to Comfyregistry.”
If anyone has a fix that would be greatly appreciated.

Hi there, sorry to hear you’re having an issue! Version 0.4.20 was released yesterday - that would be my first recommendation if you downloaded the app previously.

Failing that, you can use this form to upload log files:

Thanks for letting me know, my luck that it gets updated the day I try to install lol. Downloaded the newest version but it’s stil giving me the “error- Errors remain” message even after going through all the possible errors in the troubleshooting menu.
I’ve uploaded my logs, hopefully that will help to find what the issue is.

Got it - interesting! What happens if you delete D:\temp? Feel free to move or rename if you feel it has anything of value.

p.s. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen the software installed in to the root path of a drive before. There is some special treatment when modifying the root of the system drive. I don’t recall that being applicable to data drives. But there could be something similar at play.

Short version: It may be simpler to try installing to D:\ComfyUI.