Unable to start ComfyUI Mac M1 Github download fails

Hi, I am in China behind the Great Firewall, therefore using VPN.
here is the error part in main.log:
quotation begin
[2024-11-26 17:11:40.818] [info] e[31mxe[0m Failed to download
e[31m|e[0m https://github.com/indygreg/python-build-standalone/releases/download/20240726/cpython-3.12.4%2B20240726-aarch64-apple-darwin-install_only_stripped.tar.gz

[2024-11-26 17:11:40.819] [info] e[31m |-> e[0mRequest failed after 3 retries
e[31m |-> e[0merror sending request for url
e[31m | e[0m(https://github.com/indygreg/python-build-standalone/releases/download/20240726/cpython-3.12.4%2B20240726-aarch64-apple-darwin-install_only_stripped.tar.gz)
e[31m `-> e[0moperation timed out

[2024-11-26 17:11:40.821] [info] --end-1732612176755:1

[2024-11-26 17:11:40.822] [error] Error creating virtual environment: Error: Failed to create virtual environment: exit code 1

… quotation end

I can download the file cpython-3.12.4%2B20240726-aarch64-apple-darwin-install_only_stripped.tar.gz directly from browser - no problem.

Any workaround suggest for the APP to get it working?