Error: Python process exited with code 1 and signal null

Error: Python process exited with code 1 and signal null

I had the same problem. Found out that i made a mistake setting up. Create a new location for comfyui desktop to run and link to an existing installation separately in the installation steps. Then there will be links from the new location to the old to have the old custom_nodes. Maybe it is also the problem in your situation?

Ok, I had the same error and this is what I did to fix it, (ok, chatGPT helped)…

  1. inside your comfyui directory open a command prompt and type: python -m venv .venv

  2. once done type: .venv\Scripts\activate

  3. Now the fun part… copy/paste everything including the url and paste it to the active VENV command prompt: pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url

  4. Run in VENV: pip install psutil

  5. Run in VENV: pip install einops
    Let each one finish, then you should be able to launch Comfyui. This is on a fresh install of V1 with no linking/importing of previous installs. If you still have errors use chatGPT and tell it your having an error in comfyui and paste the log to it and it will tell you what’s wrong, that’s what I did and it’s working perfectly now! Hope this helps someone… Peace!

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figured it was an activation thing. Do you have to do this every time you want to run it?

Can you paste your main.log contents here? Sounds like an issue when your python environment was being set up. Which version are you using?

No it was a 1 time thing…

My log is long gone by now. it seemed like comfy wasnt installing or setting up the VENV directory this is on V1 of comfyui, i just got into the closed beta today.

wont let me paste the whole thing

chatGPT saying this for me - The primary issue here is the dependency conflict between matrix-client and urllib3. Resolving this conflict is crucial for successful execution. Additionally, investigate why the server is timing out and ensure all dependencies are correctly installed in the virtual environment. Finally, consider applying the detected ComfyUI update if it includes relevant fixes.

use then share the link.

my default is 3.10. Will try with 3.12?

cd C:\ComfyUI\ComfyUI\.venv\Scripts
安装缺失的依赖 (** scipy )
pip install scipy
pip install -r C:\Users\yangkangcheng\AppData\Local\Programs\@comfyorgcomfyui-electron\resources\ComfyUI\requirements.txt
pip install numpy pandas

New update ComfyUI_Desktop 0.3.15 seemed to fix that problem for me, although I see this message in the manager menu Your ComfyUI is too OUTDATED!!!

Okay great! If you do need to install some pip packages manually, which unfortunately you will find the need to do that while installing custom nodes, you can try the integrated terminal:

Everyone can use the existing link in the email to download 0.3.15 btw if it doesn’t update automatically.

Is there a way to detach integrated terminal I’d like to put in on my second monitor. Also if pip check outputs Checked 203 packages in 91ms All installed packages are compatible I shouldn’t need to install anything manually right?

Unfortunately you can’t detach it right now! Will note it as a feature request.

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Worked Flawlessly, Thank you.