[2024-11-26 08:25:59.128] [error] Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Programs@comfyorgcomfyui-electron\resources\ComfyUI\main.py”, line 89, in
[2024-11-26 08:25:59.133] [error] import comfy.utils
File “C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Programs@comfyorgcomfyui-electron\resources\ComfyUI\comfy\utils.py”, line 20, in
import torch
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘torch’
I have the same issue. After I checked the log, mail.log. I found the problem is that WIN powershell didn’t exeucte the “C:\Users\abc\AppData\Local\Programs@comfyorgcomfyui-electron\resources\uv\win\uv.exe venv --python 3.12.4” correctly. I checked with Chatgpt. There are two issues:
powershell don’t support the path with space. My user name is like “ab c”.
powershell may misunderstanding “@”. So even [“C:\Users\ab c\AppData \Local\Programs@comfyorgcomfyui-electron\resources\uv\win\uv.exe” venv --python 3.12.4] is still wrong.
The correct spell shoud be “‘& C:\Users\ab’ c\AppData\Local\Programs'@comfyorgcomfyui-electron\resources\uv\win\uv.exe venv --python 3.12.4”. Start with “&” and ’ before space and “@”.
I manually tested in powershell with above command and it is work. Hope it help you to fix it soon.
So i reinstalled on my main drive and now ComfyUI starts. So basically if you install on a different drive then the main drive you get the error. So that becomes a problem when you don’t want to use your main drive as your install drive.
On step 1 of setup, “Location Install”, it has “System Locations” already filled in, with “C:\Users\User Name.…” as an example. But I can’t seem to change it to get it to understand the space. In the log, one of the things I find is “The term ‘C:\Users\User’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.” and another spot has “ObjectNotFound: (C:\Users\User:String) [ ],”
Hopped on a call with @pmineiro07, it turns out it’s due to AMD gpu. We currently do not yet have support for AMD gpus. Sorry for all your inconvinience
Nvidia GPU here. (Install on external drive) Unable to start ComfyUI.
the error in my log says:
AppData\Local\Programs@comfyorgcomfyui-electron\resources\ComfyUI\utils\extra_config.py", line 2, in
import yaml
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘yaml’