After i migrate over my old comfy ui_windows_portable install to the new path in the desktop install, can i delete my old comfy portable and all its folders? so I’m not doubling up on models and other files? are they copied over to the new install or linked?
They are only linked. Do not delete the old directory. Ofc you can drag all your models and copy them over to the directory you selected during the installation part of the Desktop app.
However just to be clear Desktop is still considered beta for now. Would recommend keeping both around until Desktop is a bit more stable.
thanks for the heads, up. are the only things that are linked in the model folder?
also, i assume as i download new models it will at it to the model folder in the new desktop folder location.
So actually right now Manager does not download to that location. That will be fixed soon and yes then it will go into the model folder you picked.
ok cool cool when you say " the model folder ryou picked". I guess when im going to download a model when it’s fixed it will ask me where to put it? cause I don’t think it asked me to set a model location yet. I just assumed it would go into the model folder in the new comfy UI desktop folder location
I just assumed it would go into the model folder in the new comfy UI desktop folder location
- Yes that’s correct
great thanks !
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